Continuous Integration

Information on the continuous integration pipeline that is being used in the CRC.

Buddy CI

The CI process for Buddy is set up so that all branches (except Master) will run a CI check on a github push command to determine if there are any errors with new branch content.

Buddy and Github will interact with each other once a push is made to Github. When a branch is pushed to Github, Buddy will get the new code, build docker image and execute Django command. This is done to determine if Docker contianers can be built, code runs and all unit tests pass. If a push succeeds or fails this information will made available in both Buddy and Github.

This Buddy check does not occur when a pull request is made or two branches are merged. However, before a branch reaches Github it will go through the Buddy CI check and the results are available in both Buddy and Github. If a branch does not pass the checks the way PresQT has Github setup, Github will not allow it to be merged to another branch.

Github will display a green checkmark if the push attempt passed with Buddy. If the process fails there will be a red X, and if the process is still running, an orange circle will be displayed.

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