Continuous Deployment

Information on the continuous deployment pipeline that is being used in the CRC.

Buddy CD

The CD process for Buddy is set up so that it will build docker images and push these images to Docker Hub on a github push/merge command to the Master branch. Unit tests are not run at this time. Git has been set up so that the master branch cannot be pushed to directly or be merged to without an approved pull request.

Buddy and Github will interact with each other if a push or merge is made to Master Branch. If a push/merge succeeds or fails this information will made available in both Buddy and Github.

Github will display a green check mark if the push attempt passed with Buddy. If the process fails there will be a red X, and if the process is still running, an orange circle will be displayed.

Docker Hub

link to docker images -

Docker images can be loaded via Docker command

docker pull presqt/presqt

Last updated